Thursday, November 30, 2017

Custom Lei Hulu Crafted with Aloha

Custom Lei Hulu crafted with Aloha ... more than just a piece of Art  

Many collectors of Native Hawaiiana Art and folks (Hawaiians at heart) who just love all that is Hawaiian - realize at some point that our Native artwork is not simply an order that is hung on a wall. Or a trophy to be placed on your favorite papale.

Hawaiian Lei Hulu art is collectible, very valuable and a great investment. Ounce for ounce feather art can be compared to the cost of fine gems. However, the value is not only the beauty but the deeper meaning of perpetuation of Aloha. 

The Feather Artist is very careful in crafting the custom lei hulu. Not only color and texture, but the time spent on the preparation and construction of the custom lei hulu. A true Artist will only work on the lei while in a good mood, while thoughts are positive and settled. 'The Lei represents the spirit of the Artist, their view on the world their values, beliefs, where they have come from where they will go. The mana bestowed by the Artist in its creation is powerful and will last the lifetime of the lei. Mana is an interesting word with many meanings.... start your research on mana 

As I tell every student - choosing the right feather is like choosing your friends... The right feather will fit in and become part of the lei, the right friend becomes part of the ohana. The wrong feather will not lie correctly, it will stand out and not flow with the lei, it may even fall out, the right feather feather will blend and enhance the lei.

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