Sunday, November 24, 2013

Glee turns to horror

contined from settle down....
new haumana who tell tales of their new appreciation for birds feathers.

Often a story starts like this. "Eh u shoulda seen yesta day, I was driving down Paukokalo an dis peacock wen come flyin cross da road, u know i when swerve for hit em!"

I tell them this story...

A haumana kept calling but i was just too busy to answer the cell phone, well about an hour later this car screeches into the parking lot and she runs in , breathless she says OMG I was calling you to tell you I was bringing a bird to skin. Okay, I say what kinda bird? Haumana reply, (with a story of course, for we are all story tellers) get this turkey who has been visiting every morning and i feed him bread, well I tell my husband shoot him shoot him, which he did and he is in the trunk!    OH no I respond I'm not getting bird lice all over me this early in the morning.....  The glee on their face turns to horror, not only do they have lice all over the car, but now they have to skin their own kill...

A light banter spreads across the room about picking up road kill and processing the feathers, there are the hilarious stories of cleaning up after the cat  hundreds of tiny red feathers, which by the way are so small is very difficult to sew on. The husband that has become the great hunter and mutilates the skins and ruins all the feathers. The gentlemen that went hunting on the mainland and brought back all the wings from the ducks which we have no use for. The well meaning family member who painstakingly picks all the feathers up in her forest walks, then mails them to Maui, which we normally cant use either.......

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